#1 - First, choose which Sharepoint Site’s content you’d like Spencer to synchronize. For this tutorial, We’ve created .
Sharepoint site = “Spencer”
Sharepoint tenant = “1105nv”
Sharepoint tenant URL = “” Share your Sharepoint tenant, Sharepoint tenant URL and Sharepoint site with Spencer
#2- Next, setup an App-only Add-in by navigating to
#3 - Generate a Client Id and Client Secret and share this with Spencer.
Important - once generated you can't view it again. copy-paste it to a text editor.
#4 - Fill out
Title : Feel free to add here any title as this is for setup reasons only
App domain : add
Redirect URI : add Click Create. Share the Redirect URI with Spencer in case this is different than
#5 - Now that the identifier is created, we need to grant the necessary permission for it to perform any action. In this example, I’ll demonstrate how to grant full control access to a Site Collection. Navigate to https://{yourtenanthere}{yoursitenamehere}/_layouts/15/AppInv.aspx
Fill in App Id with the Client Id you just created above, and click Lookup
Fill in the following Permission Request XML and click Create
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true"><AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection" Right="Read"/><AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection/web/list" Right="Manage"/></AppPermissionRequests>
Verify if you copy/paste the XML, it is valid.
#6 - Select the Sharepoint list on your Sharepoint site that you want Spencer to sync documents from. Usually, this list will be called Documents. Click Trust.
#7 - Share the Sharepoint list name with Spencer (usually this is called Documents) -
#8 - Note, after granting the permissions you can't visualize them. You can however update the permissions by executing the two previous steps. Finally, you can check registered Add-ins per site at https://{tenant}{site}/_layouts/15/appprincipals.aspx
#9 - Provide the information below to [email protected]
Configuration Field | Example values |
Sharepoint tenant | 1105 |
Sharepoint tenant URL | yourtenanthere (please provide the full URL - https://{yourtenanthere}{yoursitenamehere}/_layouts/15/AppInv.aspx) |
Sharepoint site | Spencer |
Sharepoint list | Documents |
Sharepoint add-in Client id | 8a1a3a57-f3fc-4f8b-0f3d-2bd2f81c3a92 |
Sharepoint add-in Client Secret | WdzbnWbFiFNZNdzjndzzkndWDBD |
Client Secret Expiry date | 2023/11/07 |
Sharepoint add-in Redirect URI |